Mental-Math Magic and More with Dr.Snehal Karia

Anyone who meets Snehal for the first time is immediately connected heartfully when he flashes you a dimply smile which twinkles from his eyes. Genuine admiration for a man who has successfully surpassed so many life-challenges and very deservingly garnered so many accolades along the journey. Kudos to him and team UCMAS India/Canada/USA. Over the…

Dishing out Smiles from her Soup-Kitchen

  When you first meet Seema you feel an instant connection to her soul. She welcomes you with her smiling twinkling eyes and a warm big hug, and you melt like brie baking on warm flatbread! A few days ago I had the honor to get an insight into her soup-kitchen as she shared the…

Inner Beauty

A beauty that comes from within –  filled with warm love, kind thoughts and a very giving nature, this is what embodies the spirit of Meghna Chaurasia.  She shared with me her personal journey and her secret to happiness. Tell me a little bit about your childhood and a story that was special to you whilst…

An Inspiring Soul Story from Shikha Singh

I started my spiritual journey many life times ago… Who am I? What am I here in this world for? I began to search for these answers after the birth of my second child. My quest for answers led me to many spiritual and religious practices. Interestingly, my curiosity about a wooden cabinet however, led…

Originally posted on Heart Mind & Soul:
Here’s a concept you won’t want to forget: passion always trumps excuses. Keep in mind that when I use the word passion, I’m not referring to the romantic notions that this concept conjures. Instead, I’m equating it to a vigorous kind of enthusiasm that you feel deep within…

Here’s a concept you won’t want to forget: passion always trumps excuses. Keep in mind that when I use the word passion, I’m not referring to the romantic notions that this concept conjures. Instead, I’m equating it to a vigorous kind of enthusiasm that you feel deep within you and that isn’t easy to explain…

Eat like a child for good health says Fauja Singh

This super impressive athlete at the ripe old age of 106 years has run several marathons and has always stayed fit and active. His secret to success has been to run 6-8 miles a day and eat like a farmer with organic and fresh food. Over the years he has decreased the portion size of…

Did you know that E=mc2 equals YOU + Universe?

We are born into the paradigm of society with several “set-in-stone” ideologies created by mankind and transmitted to us from a young age by our parents, teachers and society. However, when you start to really look within yourself and sincerely collaborate with your heart+mind+soul = YOU will see the exponential potential of your existence as…

What to tell yourself when you are in a “tough spot” and want to give up the struggle?

We all know the old adage “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” ~ Vince Lombardi. Kangana Ranaut is an iconic example of someone who epitomises this quote. With the release of director Hansal Mehta’s new movie #Simran comes a huge deluge of new accusations and allegations in the media involving Kangana’s personal and professional life. However, Kangana has expressed herself…

What makes you a “Happionaire”?

Yogesh Chabria is a world-renowned leader in the field of human potential. He is a bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur and founder of The Happionaire Way. Anu:What is your “magic mantra” when you are in a “struggle spot” along your life’s journey? Yogesh: In a challenging situation I have trained myself to ask the question “How…